Does the Milwaukee Mafia still exist?

Does the Milwaukee Mafia Still Exist?

This is the #1 question I get asked, and the short answer is: I don’t believe so.

Does the mafia still exist? Yes. Does organized crime still exist? Yes. The Milwaukee Mafia? Probably not.

I’m basing my opinion mostly on what I’ve read in FBI files and newspapers. Something to keep in mind is that the FBI files will only show information related to those who are deceased. If I’m sent a file with information related to a living person, their information is redacted. (For good reason, the FBI heavily redacts their files when responding to my FOIA request.) Additionally, there are exemptions and exclusions related to FOIA. This could mean that the FBI has information about Milwaukee Mafia members and their criminal activity that hasn’t been released to the public.

If that information exists, and is released to the public someday, then that information will prove me wrong… but I doubt that will happen. Like I mention in the podcast below, ask me again in a year, and see if my opinion changed.

Check out our podcast episode on this topic for further information:

Information Shared in the Podcast

  • The last murder in Milwaukee that’s connected to the Milwaukee Mafia was in 1989.
    • Max Adonnis was shot once in the head at Giovanni’s on March 18, 1989. The police found him dead, lying in a pool of blood. 
  • Frank Balistrieri died on February 7, 1993
  • On November 30th, 1993, the FBI went through their known mob members throughout the country, and identified 14 in Milwaukee who were still living.
    • Peter Balistrieri was listed as the last major mob boss
    • Joseph “Joe Camel” Caminiti was listed as the counselor
    • Everyone else was listed as a soldier